You leave a little bit of yourself everywhere you go- it’s the human experience. So your desk at work or at home is actually a reflection of you. And who doesn’t like to personalize their space, befitting their personality? Your desk is a reflection of you and a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered head. So we’ve listed the absolute must-haves for your desk, at home or at work.

1. Supplies
No one can have enough stationery. Ever. Period. To be at the pinnacle of efficiency, one must always have stocked stationery station. Books, pens, paper clips, staplers, pins, highlighters, flags, post-its, the list is endless. If you have access to all these supplies at a moment’s notice, you will find yourself glued to your spot, knocking projects out of the park, sooner rather than later.

2. Storage System
Having an efficient organizer is a life and time saver. You don’t want a messy desk with files, crumbs of those cookies you ate 4 days ago, pen lids, wires, menus, etc., just sprawled across your desk. You want everything neatly arranged in multi-layered shelving or stacking system. Not only will this clean up your desk, but also help you find things faster.

3. Wire Organizers
Intertwined wires make a mess, not only do they make life much harder and frustrating that it is, but also damage your wires. Each wire belonging to each electronic device should be separated using wire organizers. You can keep it cool and quirky with colorful separators that are color-coded corresponding to the device or you can keep them modernistic and white.
4. Motivational Décor
For those days that you absolutely want to give up and think to yourself if you really need your job, you need a pick-me-up. The perfect way to keep yourself motivated and keep on going at it, is to install a motivational piece of desk decor. HashtagDecor’s desktop decor printed on wood, is long lasting and will see you through those long nights while you’re working on those time-consuming projects.

5. Calendar
Never discount the importance of having a calendar at your desk. Even though you have one on your phone, constantly having one to look at will help you achieve goals and targets in a more timely fashion. It makes keeping things on track easier and helps you demarcate important dates and events.

6. Dustbin
This one’s a no brainer. For all the waste you generate at your desk, you need some place to dispose of it. It’s inconvenient to keep walking to the dustbin placed in another room, thereby making you accumulate waste and dirt on your workstation.

7. Emergency Knick-Knacks
Eating at your desk is what everyone at some point tends to do. So keeping a stash of utensils, tissue paper and condiments like oregano, chili flakes, ketchup, etc., will help you in a situation where you’re caught with bland food. Hair ties, band-aids, breath mints, medicines and deodorant are absolute desk must-haves.

8. Stain-Remover
You have to go for a meeting. A meeting you absolutely can’t mess up. So in a mad rush, you’ve soiled your tie with some coffee. You can’t walk into that meeting with this spillage! So what do you do? You get your stain remover out of your drawer and zap it away. Simple.
If this anecdote wasn’t convincing enough to keep one handy, very little will be!
You have to go for a meeting. A meeting you absolutely can’t mess up. So in a mad rush, you’ve soiled your tie with some coffee. You can’t walk into that meeting with this spillage! So what do you do? You get your stain remover out of your drawer and zap it away. Simple.